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Joel Thomas
Jul 2023
Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of life with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world...
Great friendships are rare as adults. We go through most of life with built-in friendships, but then we’re thrown into the real world where it seems much harder to find and maintain them. Using three key concepts, we’ll discover how to create and cultivate meaningful friendships.
Andy Stanley and Joel Thomas
May-Jul 2023
With so many denominations and opinions on what it means to be a Christian, it can be difficult to determine what is fundamental to the...
With so many denominations and opinions on what it means to be a Christian, it can be difficult to determine what is fundamental to the faith. In this series, we'll look at what's essential--and what's not--when it comes to following Jesus.
Andy Stanley with John Dickson
Jul 02, 2023
A Conversation with John Dickson
Andy Stanley
May 28, 2023
The church is God's agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take...
The church is God's agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take the step from being just a consumer at the local church to being involved.
Joel Thomas
Apr 2023
Have you ever been in a season where you felt like you really needed to hear from God? Perhaps you were confronted with an opportunity, a...
Have you ever been in a season where you felt like you really needed to hear from God? Perhaps you were confronted with an opportunity, a difficult decision, or a tough circumstance and you felt lost or alone. If ever there was a time you needed direction, this was it! Did you hear him? Does God still speak to people practically, personally, and purposefully? Through the lens of the life of Moses, we'll explore all these questions and more!