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The Power of a Made Up Story

Joel Thomas
Sep 2024

You may still be able to recite some lines from your favorite childhood storybook because the stories and principles we learn from them...

Making History

Andy Stanley
Sep 08, 2024

Since 2007, our Be Rich campaign has been making the world an even better place. After all, devotion to God is best demonstrated and...

The Responsibles

Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2024

Our responsibility isn’t just something we have, it’s part of who we are. Taking responsibility for our actions, reactions, and lack of...

Unmistakable, Unshakable

Andy Stanley
Aug 04, 2024

We are far more likely to develop meaningful faith when people of faith surround us.

Games We Play

Andy Stanley, Joel Thomas, Matt Noblitt and April Farmer
Jul 2024

When we play games within our relationships, no one wins. But there’s one game we can play where everyone wins.
