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Home for Christmas

Joel Thomas
Dec 24, 2022

Some of us came from great families. Some didn’t. Some of us are building one or hoping to build one. Christmas is an invitation to come...

Reasons For The Season

Andy Stanley
Dec 2022

The birth of Jesus benefitted us in many ways. In this series, we’ll look at three of them.

Heaven: Who Goes There?

Andy Stanley
Oct-Nov 2022

Most people believe in heaven, and most people believe they'll end up there. Can we really know?

Invisible God

Joel Thomas
Sep-Oct 2022

Just because we worship a God who’s invisible doesn’t mean his power is nonexistent.

Navigating a Turnaround

Joel Thomas
Jul 2022

We've all experienced situations where things weren't going well and we needed a turnaround. From one of the most famous—or for some,...
