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Andy Stanley
Aug-Sep 2023

In the first century, the cross was a symbol of suffering and shame. In this series, we’ll talk about how it now represents an empowering...

On Message, On Mission

Andy Stanley
Mar 26, 2023

The church is God's agent of transformation for the world, and the church is your opportunity to take part in that transformation. Take...

Count Me In for the Next Gen!

Andy Stanley
Mar 19, 2023

In order to maximize our potential and fulfill our mission as a church, everyone should serve somewhere.

The Weight of Your Words

Andy Stanley
Feb-Mar 2023

We’ve all heard the adage that actions speak louder than words. But the words we’ve heard have shaped us and the words we speak have the...

Living with Yourself

Andy Stanley
Jan 2023

In this series, we’ll look at three habits to ensure that the self you’re living with is the self that’s on display.
