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Andy Stanley with Dr. Charles Stanley
Dec 2020
Talk about a conversation full of wisdom, laughter, and insight! In this two-part series, Andy Stanley interviews his dad, Dr. Charles...
Talk about a conversation full of wisdom, laughter, and insight! In this two-part series, Andy Stanley interviews his dad, Dr. Charles Stanley.
Andy Stanley
Nov 29, 2020
Being grateful for someone is an emotion we can all relate to. But gratitude is not just an attitude, it's something that needs to be...
Being grateful for someone is an emotion we can all relate to. But gratitude is not just an attitude, it's something that needs to be expressed.
Clay Scroggins
Nov 2020
After this year, it might feel as though there is a lot at stake in our world, our country, and our city. But consider the relationships...
After this year, it might feel as though there is a lot at stake in our world, our country, and our city. But consider the relationships in your life that might be at stake as well. After all, the quality of our lives is only as good as the quality of our relationships. For a fresh take on some forgotten rules in our relationships, join Clay for, Relationship Rules.
Andy Stanley, Marquise Cox and Guests
Nov 01, 2020
Today, we celebrate Be Rich, our annual campaign to go above and beyond in giving back to our community. Thanks to your generosity of...
Today, we celebrate Be Rich, our annual campaign to go above and beyond in giving back to our community. Thanks to your generosity of time and money, we have a LOT to celebrate.
Andy Stanley
Oct 2020
If you're a parent or have played a part in raising someone, you know the weight that comes with preparing a child for their future....
If you're a parent or have played a part in raising someone, you know the weight that comes with preparing a child for their future. Beyond just looking for parenting tips, learning to cast vision for a child's future can take them further than you can ever imagine.