Fostering Together

Fostering isn't a one-family job.

family laughing together

Make a Difference for a child in foster care.

It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care. You may wonder what you can do. We can help you find a way to serve a child in need.

What is Fostering Together?
fostering together video

It can be overwhelming to know exactly how to help a child in foster care. You may wonder what you can do. We can help you find a way to serve a child in need.

Fostering Together is a foster care ministry. We also welcome kinship and adoptive families to trainings, events, and social gatherings.

Everyone can do something.

family dinner

Be a Meal Support Volunteer

Local foster families are stepping up to house vulnerable kids in our community and we can help!

I'm Interested

See some suggested meal ideas.

girl checking notification on phone

Be a CarePortal Volunteer

  • Serve as you are able.
  • Receive alerts for needs of vulnerable families.

Sign Up

Learn More

little girl and adult mentor

Be a Supporting Mentor

  • Serve two to three times each month.
  • Mentor children.
  • Babysit.
  • Provide meals and transportation.
grandpa holding his grand daugter

Be a Respite Family

  • Serve weekly.
  • Mentor children.
  • Babysit.
  • Provide meals and transportation.
  • Provide overnight care for children.
family on the beach

Be a Foster Family

  • Serve daily.
  • Care for children 24/7. 
  • Welcome children for an undetermined period of time.

Hear stories from people like you who have made a difference.

mother tossing child in the air

"Fostering is a true work of heart."

"We couldn’t and wouldn’t be successful on this journey without the prayers, care, and support of our Fostering Together team. So thankful and forever grateful!"

Make a Difference as a Supporting Mentor
supporting mentor video thumbnail
Make a Difference as a Respite Family
respite family video thumbnail
Make a Difference as a Foster Family
foster family video thumbnail

Have you already jumped in?

If you are already fostering, respiting, or caring for kids in a kinship situation, we’d love to get to know you.

Connect With Us

If you have questions about Fostering Together, contact